quinta-feira, 6 de março de 2014


Savez vous que VIRMOUSIL MAROC est une entreprise de sous-traitance?

Une entreprise qui dispose de 5000 m² d'ateliers dans la Zone Franche de Tanger, emploie  quotidiennement 430 personnes, et fait réaliser aux sociétés qui y interviennent ou passent leurs commandes un chiffre d'affaire annuel d'environ 2 millions d'euros.

VIRMOUSIL MAROC a acquis un réel savoir-faire industriel qu'elle met au service d'autres entreprises : vous pouvez assurément lui confier vos travaux de sous-traitance d'activités techniques et industrielles de main-d'œuvre.

Parce que rester compétitif implique de se recentrer sur ses métiers : bénéficiez vous aussi d'une délocalisation de proximité de l’Europe, réactive, flexible, aux conditions  financières avantageuses.

Parce que notre mission est de favoriser l'insertion des personnes dans la vie active, parce que vos impératifs d'entrepreneur sont la performance et la réussite, nos équipes sont à votre écoute pour gérer et vous aider à développer vos productions selon vos critères particuliers de qualité et de délais.

A solution for your automotive component  production in Morocco.

Virmousil Morocco is a company of Subcontracting created in 2004 to meet the market needs in its sphere of activity: automotive components industry (cars and heavy Lorries): wiring harnesses, Security system cockpit, Wiper system, Attachment unit, and others...
Virmousil Morocco is installed at the Tangier Exportation Free Zone (managed by the company Tangier Free Zone) allowing having a good geographical location, 1000m from International airport of Tangier and 10km from town centre, and more the strategic position of Tangier located in the North of Morocco, only 15 km from of South Europe (Tarifa-Spain).

Virmousil Morocco has a manpower highly qualified (430 people with a medium age  23 years) and operates on a surface of 5000m² divided on two production units.
Management is ensured by a technical staff with long experience (between 18 and 10 years) allowing the Company to have a high level of knowledge in its field activity: automotive components industry(cars and heavy Lorries).
Clients profit from many advantages by subcontracting the manufacture of their products at Virmousil Morocco:
- Competitive labour cost.
- No capital investment in bricks is needed.
- Productivity is guaranteed.
- No concerns about people management.
- Long experience in the hard automotive Business.
- Good geographical situation.
Virmousil Morocco always maintains since its creation these objectives:
- Motivate, train all the personnel to be able to carry out the objectives.
- Increase the satisfaction of its customers by guaranteeing a higher quality level of the products and services.
- Bring a high level of knowledge to the products of its customers.
- Improve continuously its costs.
- Offer products & services with very competitive prices.

VIRMOUSIL MAROC - Componentes para a Indústria Automóvel.
Uma empresa de subcontratação.
VIRMOUSIL MAROC - Uma empresa certificada, que tem 5000 m2 de armazém na Zona Franca de Tânger, emprega mais de 430 pessoas diariamente e realiza, com as multinacionais com quem trabalha, um volume de negócios anual de cerca de 3 milhões de Euros.

VIRMOUSIL MAROC adquiriu um verdadeiro know-how técnico e industrial, que oferece a outras empresas (multinacionais), que assim confiam trabalhos de subcontratação das suas  actividades industriais.

Porque permanecer competitivo é o objectivo, a deslocalização para a Zona Franca de Tanger (TFZ) significa beneficiar de uma proximidade com a Europa, ágil e flexível, assim como beneficiar de condições fiscais e financeiras muito atractivas e vantajosas.

Como a missão é promover a integração das pessoas na vida activa e porque os objectivos das empresas são a obtenção de sucesso e bom desempenho empresarial, a equipe VIRMOUSIL MAROC está à disposição para gerir e desenvolver produtos ou projectos, utilizando sempre os critérios específicos, técnicos e de qualidade, aplicados e exigidos pelas multinacionais. 

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