quinta-feira, 22 de abril de 2010

VIRMOUSIL MAROC entreprise de sous-traitance ?

VIRMOUSIL MAROC - Industrie de Composants pour Automobiles
Une entreprise de sous-traitance ?


Une entreprise qui dispose de 5000 m² d'ateliers dans la Zone Franche de Tanger, emploie quotidiennement 500 personnes, et fait réaliser aux sociétés qui y interviennent ou passent leurs commandes un chiffre d'affaire annuel d'environ 3 millions d'euros.

VIRMOUSIL MAROC a acquis un réel savoir-faire industriel qu'elle met au service d'autres entreprises : vous pouvez assurément lui confier vos travaux de sous-traitance d'activités techniques et industrielles de main-d'œuvre.

Parce que rester compétitif implique de se recentrer sur ses métiers : bénéficiez vous aussi d'une délocalisation de proximité de l’Europe, réactive, flexible, aux conditions financières avantageuses.

Parce que la mission est de favoriser l'insertion des personnes dans la vie active, parce que les impératifs d'entrepreneur sont la performance et la réussite, les équipes Virmousil sont à votre écoute pour gérer et vous aider à développer vos productions selon vos critères particuliers de qualité et de délais.

Restant à votre disposition pour toute information,


Tax Free Trade Automotive Production In Tanger Med.

Carlos Ghosin, Renault Nissan CEO said that the French and Japanese car production will offer low-cost cars to the international market insisting on the fact that it is impossible to attain this level of production in Western European based manufactures because high price factors. This is often a highly important success for Morocco and the industry sector.

Renault Nissan manufacturing agreement with Tangier free zone to make a €600M yard to make 200,000 cars by 2010 proved that the Plan Emergence that sees Morocco as a platform for producing and export to totally different regions may be a wise and so much sighted one., Additional investment by the Group of another €200M to €400 M is foreseen relying on the level of car production. Renault Nissan producing plant will be the most important at the crossroad of Europe and the Mediterranean area. This business venture will give a potential of 6,000 straight jobs and up to 30,0000 related ones.

Delphi Automotive Systems Morocco Unit has generated jobs thus way in Tangier and nonetheless employs 2,289 staff and therefore the new Delphi Packard Systems Morocco Unit in the Tanger free zone that can use 1,1 52 workers. Delphi has become the largest automotive part manufacturer in Tangier. The Michigan primarily based group present in Morocco since 1999, employs 170,000 employees in 36 countries and chose Morocco as a result of of its engaging incentives for investment and its key geographical location.

Tanger hub now hosts over 352 international companies including aviation , IT and automotive construction amongst many others provides a perfect location for international investors to set up manufacturing plants which will export tax free to Europe and world wide locations via Tangiers Airport and therefore the Tanger hub harbor. Trade agreements concluded with the US, EU, Turkey, Egypt and Jordan offer added momentum to the business export effort.

Tanger’s geographical location makes it ideal for exporting to Europe, Africa, the USA and also the Middle and Far East. An example of this is often Morocco’s export of Logan’s automobile brand to Egypt in line with the Agadir agreement as announced via the Minister of Industry. Tunisia and Jordan can conjointly be necessary areas for the Logan.